captcha bot commands


Captcha Bot Commands

1. !verify

- Description: Initiates the verification process with the user to prove they are not a bot.
- Usage: !verify

2. !generate_captcha

- Description: Creates and displays a new CAPTCHA challenge for the user to solve.
- Usage: !generate_captcha

3. !solve [code]

- Description: Allows the user to submit their answer for the current CAPTCHA challenge.
- Usage: !solve [code]
- Example: !solve R4X9Y

4. !help

- Description: Displays a list of available commands and their usages.
- Usage: !help

5. !cancel_verification

- Description: Cancels the ongoing verification process if the user wants to opt-out.
- Usage: !cancel_verification

6. !refresh_captcha

- Description: Generates a new CAPTCHA challenge, useful if the current one seems too complex or unclear.
- Usage: !refresh_captcha

7. !time_left

- Description: Shows the time remaining for the user to solve the CAPTCHA before it expires.
- Usage: !time_left

8. !bypass

- Description: Request the CAPTCHA verification to be bypassed in case of accessibility issues or genuine reasons.
- Usage: !bypass [reason]

9. !admin_bypass [username]

- Description: Allows administrators to manually bypass CAPTCHA for a specific user.
- Usage: !admin_bypass [username]

10. !captcha_stats [username]

- Description: Shows the CAPTCHA solving statistics for the given user (or the requesting user if no username is provided).
- Usage: !captcha_stats [username]

11. !captcha_leaderboard [limit]

- Description: Displays the top users on the CAPTCHA solving leaderboard. Optionally, you can provide a limit to control the number of displayed users.
- Usage: !captcha_leaderboard [limit]

12. !captcha_settings [setting] [value]

- Description: Allows administrators to configure various settings for the CAPTCHA bot.
- Usage: !captcha_settings [setting] [value]

13. !report_captcha [username]

- Description: Reports a user for suspicious or inappropriate behavior related to CAPTCHA solving.
- Usage: !report_captcha [username] [reason]

14. !clear_reports [username]

- Description: Clears all the previous reports for the specified user, useful when issues have been resolved.
- Usage: !clear_reports [username]

15. !captcha_info

- Description: Provides general information about the CAPTCHA bot and its functionalities.
- Usage: !captcha_info

Note: Replace the placeholders [code], [username], [reason], [setting], and [value] with appropriate values when using the commands. Additionally, ensure that you implement proper security measures to prevent abuse of the CAPTCHA bypass commands and protect user privacy during the verification process.